A Multinational European Bank Headquartered in United Kingdom choses to develop one of its product site, CASH on WordPress to train their sales staff and demo to customers…
A Multinational European Bank with Regional Headquarter in Singapore transforms its Customer Communication Experience for Private Banking Customers with Quadient® Inspire…
Empowered business users to Perform survey of their retail stores quickly and make timely corrections to improve merchandising with the help of Mobile Application…
A Multinational European Bank Headquartered in United Kingdom choses to develop one of its product site, TRADE on WordPress to train their sales staff and demo to customers…
A major Print Service Provider based in Malaysia upgrades Quadient® Inspire CCM platform to help serve its clients better to meet evolving customer needs…
The largest utility company in Australia rolled out its new bills production to add digital distribution capabilities to enhance Customer Communication Experience with Quadient® Inspire…
Improved customer service and customer handling at the retail counters by providing counter staff with automation and well-integrated web application to serve customers better…
A Multinational Southeast Asian Bank Headquartered in Singapore transforms its Customer Communication Experience with Quadient® Inspire…
A Multinational European Investment Bank had been using using older version of Quadient® Inspire upgrades to the higher version to improve Customer Experience…